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Xvib Workshop

Course Fee: US$450

Because vibration can cause critical operating problems in heat exchangers, it is important to analyze the potential for flow-induced vibration.

This workshop teaches you how to develop an input file, interpret results, and obtain accurate prediction of the vibration potential for installed units. Using Xvib you’ll practice determining if a heat exchanger is susceptible to vibration damage.

Key Topics

  • Analysis methods for fluidelastic instability and vortex shedding
  • Velocity profile development
  • Vibration susceptibility

Suggested Participants

Engineers responsible for the mechanical condition of shell-and-tube heat exchangers

HTRI Software

This course will make use of the following HTRI software: Xchanger Suite® components Xist® and Xvib®All training materials are based on the current software version.

Course Credits: 6 hours (PDH/CEU)


  1. Fundamentals of Vibration Analysis
    • Introduction
    • Vortex shedding
    • Fluidelastic instability

  2. Getting Started with Xvib
    • Purpose of Xvib
    • Data input
    • Build a case in Xvib using Xist results

  3. Xvib Calculations
    • Calculation approach
    • Compare Xist vibration analysis with Xvib
    • Guidelines to implement the velocity profile
    • Build an Xvib case

  4. Straight Tube Analysis
    • Interpret Xvib reports
    • Guidelines to assess vibration severity
    • Analyze process condenser with parallel baffles

  5. U-Tube Analysis
    • Discuss U-tube configurations
    • Analyze vibration potential for U-tube exchangers
    • Analyze an H-shell with no baffles

Currently Scheduled

Upcoming Instructors

  • Salem Bouhairie

  • Senior Project Engineer, Research, earned his BEng, MEng, and PhD in Civil Engineering from McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. While pursuing his graduate studies, he taught Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering as an Adjunct Professor; Bouhairie also worked as a Laboratory Experimenter in open-channel hydraulics. Following his graduation, he became a Research Assistant at the university, gaining additional expertise with CFD in modeling fluid flows. He worked at Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he conducted physical hydraulic modeling investigations and river hydrology assessments. This experience gave him a broad-based knowledge of heat and mass transfer, thermal- hydraulic design, and computational methods. Bouhairie has delivered presentations on his work in Canada, the United States, England, and Brazil; his work has been published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and the Journal of Hydro-environment Research.

  • Kevin Farrell

  • Principal Engineer, Computational Simulation & Validation, graduated from Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, with his BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering. His areas of expertise include fluid dynamics, vibration, and thermal engineering. His responsibilities at HTRI focus on flow-induced vibration, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), visualization studies, and fired heaters. Prior to joining HTRI, he worked for 16 years as a researcher and deputy head of the Fluid Machinery Department of the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at Pennsylvania State University. A member of ASME and ASTFE, Farrell is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Pennsylvania and Texas, USA.